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IBM BOA 1.1.1

Available on host

SDK Installation

Download the boa_sdk_1-1-1.tar file from here: boa_sdk_1-1-1.tar

The boa_sdk_1-1-1.tar is a python package and can be installed in an anaconda environment or copied to python working directory.

To install using anaconda:

  • Create a new environment and load it
    conda create -n boasdk python=3.6 pip
    conda activate boasdk
  • Untar the downloaded boa_sdk_1-1-1.tar file:
    tar xf boa_sdk_1-1-1.tar
  • Change directory into lib/ and install using pip (from conda env):
    cd lib
    pip install -r requirements.ltxt
    pip install boaas_sdk-
applications/ibm-boa.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/14 21:42 by Sai Medury

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